Okay guys. Today we are going to be talking about my number one nemesis – procrastination.
I am a HUGE procrastinator. It is something that I have always done, but only recently have I really stopped to think about what a negative effect it has on my life. Procrastination really does not accomplish anything for me other than creating a whole lot of stress and anxiety. For some reason, the things that I really should get done first are the things that I end up doing last and, as a result, I end up doing them late at night {when I really should be in bed!} or in a mad panic when I am really not in the best frame of mind to be doing them at all.
Last month I turned 40 and resolved to start making a few changes in my bad habits. Tackling procrastination was one of the top things on my “things to change” list, so that is where I started. I wrote down a number of reasons why I procrastinate as well as some ways to help me overcome my strong pull towards putting things off and thought that I would share them with you. This is definitely a work in progress for me, but hopefully these tips will help you conquer the procrastination beast as well!
I also made you a little printable for you to help you remember that you can do it. Whatever it is that you have been putting off – from starting on that diet to getting going on a big project that you have been wanting to do – just take that leap and get started. No excuses.
You can download the 8×10 printable HERE.
Need a little boost to get going? Here are some tips to help you out!
Ask yourself why you are procrastinating.
There are many reasons why we might put off a task. Maybe we don’t know how to get started or think that it may be too difficult. Other times, it might be because the task is boring or we just plain don’t want to do it. Sometimes, it is simply a matter of poor time management or prioritization. In any case, knowing why we are procrastinating can often help us find a solution to actually getting the task done. Once you have come up with your reasons, take a few minutes to figure out how you can overcome them. Maybe you need to schedule some time to research your project, or look for a babysitter to watch the kids so you can have some uninterrupted time. Don’t settle for your excuses and find a way!
Determine if it really needs to be done.
If you are procrastinating because you don’t want to do something, ask yourself if it is something that really needs to be done. Not doing your taxes, for example, can only be put off for so long; however, maybe you don’t really need to repaint your living room or make up a fancy scrapbook album after all. These items just clog up your mind and can cause unneeded stress and anxiety. Let go of what you think you should do or be, and make sure that the tasks on your list are all things that either need to be done or are things that you truly have a desire to do.
Get to tasks as quickly as you can.
It’s Murphy’s Law – the longer a task sits on my to do list, the harder it is for me to do. It doesn’t really matter how simple or complex it is to do. I always joke that I either do a task right away or a year later and, honestly, that is not too far from the truth. If I don’t deal with things as I go, it takes me forever to get back to them. Try and get in the habit of doing all of those “little things” right away and don’t put off for later what you can do right now.
Write a daily to do list.
I think that the trick to successfully using a to do list is to keep it short and sweet. A long to do list just makes me feel overwhelmed and actually increases my tendency towards procrastinating. By switching to a list with only my top three priorities for the day, I have been much more productive in getting things done and ensure that the most important tasks are getting done first. {I will be sharing more about this in another post so stay tuned!}
Break down big jobs into more do-able sub-tasks.
One of the main reasons that we procrastinate is because we feel overwhelmed. Maybe the task just seems impossible to tackle or maybe we don’t know exactly what to do or where to start. The task of decluttering your basement, for example, might be something that you really want to do but just can’t bring yourself to get started. By breaking the task down into smaller components, you will remove that mental overload and feel more confident that you can get things done. Start by committing to 15 minutes of decluttering or going through one box. You might just find that you are even motivated to do a little extra!
Don’t wait for the perfect time.
I hate to break it to you but that perfect time never comes. There will always be some excuse that you can come up with – you want to wait to start your diet until that big batch of cookies has been eaten up or maybe you are going to wait to start exercising until your kids are a little older. Don’t wait!! Maybe you won’t be able to do exactly what you ideal plan is but you can still get started. And isn’t that always the biggest hurdle?
Schedule break times.
The key word here is “schedule”. A scheduled break time is much different from getting distracted and suddenly realizing that you have spent an hour surfing the internet. If I actively choose to take a break and go on the computer for half an hour, I am able to enjoy this time and use this as a reward for getting one of my tasks done. If, on the otherhand, I am trying to work on the computer and end up getting distracted by all of my Facebook messages and then end up scrolling my feed for half an hour, my brain does not seem to recognize this as the same break. In my head, I am still thinking about the task that I should be doing and cannot fully relax to enjoy this time.
Don’t be a perfectionist.
This is a big one for me. Many times, I put off doing a task until I will have the energy/ability/money to do it perfectly. That time rarely comes, my friend. Let go of the perfect and just do the best that you can in the moment. Just get started NOW and you can always make changes later on down the line.
Do one thing at a time.
Maybe I am just not a good multi-tasker, but, for me, multi-tasking just ends up creating more stress and prolonging how long a job will take to complete. There have been many days when I work all day long, but at the end of the day, I still haven’t completely finished one thing on my list. Often, I have one or two tasks that I am putting off doing, and end up creating more tasks for myself just so I don’t have to do that one task that is really the one that should be done. I am stressed all day long thinking about that one job instead of just doing it and getting it over with.
Set a Timer.
If you are having trouble getting going on something or are prone to getting distracted easily {squirrel!}, set a timer and commit to doing NOTHING ELSE during that time other than your primary task. I use this one all the time and find it so helpful for me. Do not “just quickly” check your phone or email, do not start another job, and do not turn on the television. It’s just you and your job until the buzzer goes.
Let go of the guilt.
Yep. Right now. Take a deep breath and let go of the guilt. Realize that we are not always perfect and all we can do is just strive to do our best. Remember that procrastination is a choice – a choice that you actually have control of. Sure there will be some days that you need a bit of a break and will choose to put off a task or just take a well deserved rest. The trick is to not let it throw you off course. Enjoy your break free of guilt and use that newly acquired energy to put back into getting a few more things checked off your list.
So here is what I want you to do. Think about one thing that you have been putting off – it can be big or it can be small. Take a second to think about your plan of action and START NOW. It may just be a baby step towards whatever it is you need to do, but be proud of yourself for just getting started. And always remember…
Progress. Not Perfection.
I “know” all of these things but putting them into practice can be so hard! I am working on it because, like you, I am realizing how much stress my procrastination and be being distracted is causing me. For being a Type A person I am always so surprised how chaotic and disorganized I can be. I am so great at coming up with systems and lists and all of that, but the doing part is so hard for me.
I am right there with you Laura! Making the lists; easy….actually DOING what’s on the list? Yea – not so much LOL
I could write the books I read. I know all the systems but I just can’t seem to move.
Sometimes we actually have TOO MUCH info and it just overwhelms us! Go right back to the basic and focus on just ONE thing. You need to just start. I found the easiest thing for me was to get a little notebook (I’ll put the link for the post below). To start with just list ONE thing on your to do list for the day. Do it as soon as you can in the day. If you can get more done, great. If not, be happy that you got started. Put on a timer, give yourself a reward afterwards – whatever you need to get yourself motivated. Commit to doing just one thing every day until you’re feeling more comfortable and then slowly start to increase it. You can do it!
Love your article! I’m such a procrastinator of the worst kind! lol 🙂 I too am working my butt off to remedy the problem. Because, like you, it has been affecting my life recently and it needs to stop! Thanks for sharing that.
It’s such a hard thing to overcome but definitely worth it in the end! Down with procrastination! 😉
Thank you this is such a great reminder! I needed this today.
Hope it was helpful. I think I could read this everyday for a reminder! 😉
Thank you for joining our Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday Link Party.. Great post and amazing tips, I make lists ALL the time, just have to find the time to do whats on them lol thank you for sharing! Have a great day, co-host Evija @Fromevijawithlove
Wonderful post Jenn – would never have you down as a procrastinator and so glad it’s not just me. Can so identify with the right now or next year scenario and like you totally hate the unnecessary stress I create for myself by putting things off.
Yes, I am a terrible procrastinator! it’s nice to know that we are not alone though!
Great tips, and I love the printable!
Thanks for linking up with Share the Wealth Sunday.
Some great deas! Sometimes I am my own worst enemy, putting things off until the last minute (or never!) And always late to go anywhere. I moved house 4 months ago and still haven’t fully unpacked……now I’ve got summer stuff out (which I had putting away!) and piles of clothes to take to thrift etc and a spare room I’d love to make into a sewing room but is just full of piles of stuff in process of being sorted. I’m going to give your ideas a go right after I finish this coffee……. 😉
lol! My worst nightmare would be moving – I can’t imagine packing {and then unpacking!} my whole house! We are pretty much never moving…
Hello beautiful! Great post. Pinned and tweeted. I hope to see you on Monday at 7pm because we love to party with you! Happy Memorial Day! Lou Lou Girls
Great tips! Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty.
This is brilliant, it spoke volumes to me. Given the chance I can be a major procrastinator, but to-do lists have been the making of me. Your other tips are great too.
Yes those to-do lists are a lifesaver to keep me on track! 🙂
Thank you for this post. It is inspiring and refreshing. In fact, you encouraged me to write an article about procrastination. I will let you know when it is done if you want to check it out. Well…if procrastination doesn’t overcome me 😉
Thank you for sharing!
Glad it inspired you! {hopefully!}
I needed this!! I have been so down on myself and felt so alone in this struggle. I get so aggravated at myself and the stresses I bring on my own head and are so pointless! I am glad I am not the only one and am grateful for your words of advice and others comments! I will be hanging the printable on my fridge. Right next to my to do list!! 🙂
We are always our own worst enemies! I have found that writing a smaller, do-able to do list to focus on each day really helps me – rather than a big long one that totally gets me overwhelemed!
Procrastination is something I truly need to work on in the new year. I’m so bad about putting things off and then they never get done. I want to change that!
New years is right around the corner and the perfect time for that. Hopefully you will join in our 31 day decluttering challenge in January!
You’re 40? NO way. Thanks for sharing your tips.
I once had a pastor that was counseling me and told me – gasp! – to lower my standards??!! Yep. He was right. I just had to get it done.
It helps me to break it down into smaller tasks and list them so that I don’t overthink it, and get bogged down. I just do what’s on the list and I can’t think about the rest during that time.
It also helps me a lot to revisit the frustration that is a result of not having this thing done, and also to envision the benefits and satisfaction of achieving my goal.
Thanks for a kick in the pants today!
That is SO true! Smart pastor! I always think of the saying that it takes 20% of your time to get 80% of the task done and 80% of your time to worry about that last 20%. If you can drop the last 20% of getting things absolutely perfect, you’ll have a lot more time on your hands and still achieve your goal!
thanks for the pep talk….as the new year begins, I am starting things that have been put off for way to long because the jobs seemed overwhelming. I put a copy of the “begin” quote in a prominent spot and home and at work.
Awesome! Small steps can really make a difference in the end!