But, Monday brings a new week and the healthy eating is back on! I always have a hard time getting enough fruits and veggies in during the day so I thought that starting off my morning with a this healthy smoothie recipe would be a good way to go.
- approximately 1 cup of cut mangoes {see below for how to easily cut mangoes}
- approximately 1 cup of sliced strawberries
- 1 frozen banana {even if you are not a big banana fan try jut adding half – it makes it so much creamier!}
- 1/2 cup orange juice
- 1/2 cup Greek Vanilla Yogurt {non-fat}
- 1 tbsp honey
- 6 ice cubes
- Mangoes can be a bit of a pain to cut up due to their large seed. Here is the best way that I have found to cut them up…
- Place the mango on the cutting board with the stem facing down. Have the narrow part of the mango facing you.
- Cut downwards through the rounded sides starting approximately 1/4 inch to one side from the center of the top.
- With the peel still on, cut parallel slices. Scoop out with a spoon. {Depending on how ripe the mango is you may be able to pop it out like you do with an orange} Cut up into 1/2 inch cubes.
- Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until you have the desired consistency.
- Makes 2 Servings.
In order to encourage myself to eat more healthy I have been doing a little research into the health benefits of different foods. Mangoes are one of my favorite fruits and I was happy to find out that this “superfruit” is super high in nutrients and does not cause blood sugar spikes like many other fruits with high glycemic indexes. Plus the higher fiber content helps to keep you feeling full for longer. {Please keep in mind that I am not a doctor or nutritionist so please consult a professional if you have any questions!}
Health Benefits of Mangoes
- high levels of fiber, pectin and vitamin C to help reduce cholesterol
- high levels of vitamin A to protect eye sight and dry eyes
- antioxident compounds that help protect against cancers {especially breast, colon, prostate, and leukemia}
- lower gycemic index {compared to many fruits} so it causes less fluctuations in sugar levels {and does not lead to fat storage}
- high levels of fiber help to promote digestion and elimination and help to keep you feeling full longer
- high levels of vitamin A and C as well as carotenoids help to promote a healthy immune system
Hi Jenn…sorry to hear about your puppy..pets are part of the family and they leave a big hole in our hearts when they are gone….Every week I make a smoothie, shake and lately malts..but for some reason they never come as healthy as yours! lol…We have a sweet tooth here…not bad for my teen (the kid burns eveything he eats) but very bad for mom…oh well…thanks for sharing and have a better week! Hugs, Lizy
Sorry to hear about your puppy :/ but one a happy note I bet this smoothie was fabulous and made monday better 🙂
We lost the family cat about a month ago – very hard to get used to them not being around x
This is how we make our smoothies too and they sure are delicious!
This looks so good! I’ve been on a smoothie kick lately. 🙂
Sorry about the loss. Thanks for the tip on how to cut mangos. I love them but they can be a pain to cut.
Yummy…this looks absolutely perfect for summer! This would be great to link-up to my Create It Thursday post…it’s live now! http://www.lambertslately.com/2013/05/create-it-thursday-2-plus-features.html
I’m sorry about your dog. 🙁
Thank you for the delicious looking recipe.