On my weekend cleaning spree, I came across an ice shaver that I purchased from a Pampered Chef party about 10 years ago. Why I picked an ice shaver I don’t know. It has probably been used a total of 2 times over the course of the 10 years.
On a side note, do you know what other stupid purchase I made? An ice cream sandwich maker. Sounds good I know. But, really, do you need a $25 gadget to smush some ice cream between 2 cookies??? Funny thing is, I think my Mom bought one of these too!
Okay, back on topic. I decided that in order to avoid the ice shaver going into the giveaway pile I needed to start using it. So the kiddies and I set about freezing some juice (tyring to be healthy!) for our sno cones. They actually turned out pretty yummy and kept the kids quiet for at least 10 minutes.
So, of course, I had to search the Internet to see if I could come up with some other sno cone fun. Anyone remember these Snoopy Sno Cone makers?
Turns out they still sell them! Wish I had known that before I purchased mine.
Anyways, I ended up coming across these glow in the dark sno cones. Basically, you take a disposable cup, put in one of those glow in the dark bracelets (I got some at the dollar store), and then put a clear cup nestled inside the larger one. Fill up the inner cup with the shaved ice and it has a really cool glow! (yes, you do need to wait until it is dark outside!)
I tried using my healthy juice sno cones to begin with. We did get a glow but it did not look as cool as it did in the pictures. I think the juice was too thick. We ended up making some more using ice shavings and koolaid syrup and the glow was much better. Kind of fun to see the different colour combinations!
Now, koolaid syrup definitely does not qualify as healthy. To make it you need 1 package of unsweetened Kool-aid, 3/4 cup water and 2 cups (yes 2!) sugar. Just boil the sugar and water, add the Kool-aid, and allow to cool.
I did try to get pictures of our glowing cones but it is extremely difficult to get pictures in the dark without using a flash! Totally useless!
Here is a picture from someone with photography skills:
Cool, eh? I gave up on trying to get a good picture of the glow. Turned on the flash and here is Connor enjoying his sno cone:
Let me know if anyone tries any variations of these. An alcoholic version may be fun once the kids are in bed! Have fun!
lol!! the cat is fantastic!!!