Hello my friends! It seems like forever since I have been here so I thought that I’d give you a quick update on where I’ve been and what I’ve been doing for the last little while. It’s been over a month since I’ve posted which has been the longest that I’ve gone without posting in my 6+ years of blogging. While I’ve definitely missed certain aspects of the blog, the break was much needed and I finally feel a new energy for blogging again!
As some of you may know, I’ve been working on writing a book since February. Like most things that I undertake, I underestimated how much time and energy it would actually take and the last couple of months leading up to the deadline were INSANE! Pretty much all of my time and energy {and creativity!} went into getting things done and there was not much left of me for anything else. I was originally hoping to continue blogging through all of this, but I just didn’t feel that I had the inspiration or time to create my best content. While I tried my best to keep up with some social media and email, if you sent me a note or email and I missed it, I’m really sorry! I LOVE hearing from you guys.
Most of the book content was completed in mid-August and I was in much need of some good family time. We went to Disney World for a whopping 17 days {and popped over to Universal Studios for a couple of days in there too – Harry Potter was AMAZING!}. It was so wonderful to just unplug for the most part and enjoy my family without any distractions. We had tons of fun and I’m hoping to share some of our Disney tricks and tips with you {as well as some tips from the boys’ perspective} over the next few months. If you have any questions or things you would like to know, leave me a comment and I’ll be sure to include it in the posts. 🙂
At the end of the trip, the boys and Dave flew home and I headed to New York for a couple of days with Swiffer. I had the opportunity to visit Good Housekeeping, took dancing lessons with a couple of Rockettes, and decorated a cake at Carlo’s Bakery {unfortunately I didn’t get to see Buddy but did meet Mauro}. It was a whirlwind couple of days but a great way to end off my vacation.
I’ve now been home for a few days and have been busy unpacking, cleaning the house, getting the kids everything they need for back to school on Tuesday, and starting up hockey practices again. It looks like summer vacation is over and it’s time to get back to the blog!
I want to thank-you all for your support and patience through the last few months and look forward to getting back to a regular blogging schedule. The September calendar for The Household Organization Diet will be up on Tuesday and I have lots of fun fall posts in the works too. And, of course, I can’t wait to show you all the book when it comes out in January!! I’m still working on finalizing my editorial calendar, so if you have any posts that you would like to see, leave me a comment and I will see what I can do. Thanks so much for reading! I appreciate you all SO much!! xo
Hi Jenn,
Welcome Back. What are the chances that your book will become available in South Africa? Would love to have a copy when it comes out 🙂 Thank you for all the inspiration to organise. We are going into summer here in South Africa. Well, we barely had a Winter (the whole of July and that was it…), but now with longer days we are hitting the spring cleaning time and your blogs have given me (and some ladies at work) some awesome inspiration. Thanks again, and looking forward to your next posts.
I’m not sure where it’s going to be released but I’ll keep you updated! My brother and sister-in-law actually just got back from South Africa – I’d LOVE to visit there. Maybe I’ll have to schedule a book tour – lol! Thanks so much for reading. Have a wonderful spring!
I think that is a brilliant idea 🙂 South Africa is a stunning country and there is so much to do, you could spend a whole year here and not see everything 🙂 Let me know if you do decide to tour sunny South Africa, will give you the best places to see 🙂 Looking forward to you next post 🙂
Welcome back! I am a new fan/reader. I am glad you will still be around!
Welcome back! Sometimes we all need a break, and it sounds like yours was well spent!
Thanks! Definitely needed. (and a few more weeks would have been even better! – lol!)