Hey guys! If you are following along on The 6 Week Decluttering Challenge, we are now starting week 3 and moving on to decluttering the master bedroom! Check out these posts for Week 1 and Week 2 if you missed them and get ready for some major purging!
The master bedroom should be a calm, relaxing space to retreat to when you need a little down time; however, many times it is one of the rooms that we pay the least attention to. This week I challenge you to take some time to create a space that you love – showcase your favorite things and get rid of all of that extra clutter! Before you get started read over the challenge guidelines HERE and print out the printable below to develop your plan.
Still not sure where to start? Here are some ideas of things to look at. Remember that the focus of this challenge is to declutter so spend the majority of your time focusing on that rather than all of the little decor details.
- Night Table – The last place that you want clutter is right beside you when you are sleeping. Clear off the surface of your night tables and decorate only with those items you use and need {such as an alarm clock or light} and a couple of pretty decorative items that you love. Go through any drawers and get rid of those items that you do not need, love, or need to access at night.
- Clothing Closet or Drawers – Decluttering all of those unworn and unloved clothes and accessories can be a little overwhelming, but it will be so much easier to dress your best if you only have a closet filled with clothing that you actually love {and that fits!}. I highly recommend taking everything out of the closet before you begin; however, if this is too difficult to do, start by just going through one type of clothing {i.e. all of your shirts, or all of your pants, etc.} and working your way down from there. Try on your clothes and keep only those items that actually fit and flatter your shape. Make sure that you have outfits that you can wear – a pretty shirt with no bottoms to go with it doesn’t do you any good! You can find more ideas on decluttering your closet HERE and HERE.
- Sock and Underwear Drawer – Empty out your drawer and go through every item before placing it back inside. Obviously you want to toss anything that has holes or is too worn, and look for socks that are not paired up. For items that are remaining, make sure that everything you put back fits you {make sure you try it on if you haven’t worn it for a while}, is something that you need, and is something that flatters your body. If not, it is time for it to go!
- Books/Magazines – If you are like me and like to read in bed, you likely have a pile of books and magazines stored up in your room. I always go through my magazines and tear out pages that I want to use for inspiration or future project ideas {you can see how I organize them all HERE}, but the books were really starting to pile up {and I must say that this was mostly because of Dave’s books!}. Again, determine what space you actually have to store your books {either in your bedroom or elsewhere in the house} and go through them all prioritizing what you want to keep and what can be donated. Once the space is full, the rest needs to go!
- Bed Linen – We keep all of our extra bedding in a chest at the end of our bed. It is large enough to fit what we need but small enough to let me know when I need to get rid of some stuff! Donate anything that you are no longer using or send bedding that is past its prime to the garbage {or to an animal shelter if it can still be used!}.
So are you ready to get going? Print out your planning sheet and see how much unwanted “stuff” you can let go of!
The Six Week Decluttering Challenge
How to Overcome Decluttering Paralysis
I have obsessed over organizing and it is like torture to me. I am going to try to follow your plan. Especially concerning the books,magazines and end tables by the bed.I simply have too much stuff and need to be ruthless w/myself.I’m so glad I found your blog. Thanks for being there!! Marcia
Ruthless is a good word! lol! Good luck with your decluttering – I know it is hard at the time but SO worth it in the end. 🙂
Thank you for the motivation you’ve given me to join this challenge! Last week I purged my bathroom and yesterday I purged and cleaned my master bedroom closet. I’m getting my donation ready to take tomorrow to the Goodwill. My next big project is the basement. It might take me longer than a week. What a mess!
I’m so glad to hear that! I totally hear ya on the basement – ours has been a work in progress too. It’s the one area of the house that I still have quite a ways to go. One small project at a time though!
I love how you broke it up into separate steps because it makes it much more doable. You can tackle one step at a time and feel a sense of accomplishment.
Baby steps! lol!
In the past 2 years I have gotten rid of MOUNTAINS of stuff, literal storage rooms FULL, boxes and boxes GONE. But, within 6 months I feel like all this magical junk has appeared! I’d like to know who’s going out and spending money on all this clutter!…. Oh.
Time to declutter again! I love your list! I may just have to start back at week 1 and start! 😉 My bedroom closets would be so grateful LOL!
Found you at Inspire Me Mondays! Thanks for sharing!
Decluttering is definitely an ongoing battle! lol!
Decluttering is a good idea for life. Thank you for joining the Small victories Sunday Linkup party. Please join again. Pinned to the group board.
I have tried three times to sign up for your emails. Each time, I have not received a confirmation email from your website. Could you help me?
Everette Studdard
Sorry! My email seems to be having problems this week! I’m working on it tonight and will add you in.