Spending time decluttering may not be the first thing that you think of doing during the summer, but it is actually a great time to get things done! In general, the days are a little more laid back, daily routines are more relaxed, and the nicer weather tends to improve energy levels. See? The perfect time to declutter! 😉
Decluttering your house doesn’t have to be a huge time commitment – with a plan in place, a little organization, and a few hours per week, you can easily work towards a more peaceful, organized home that you can truly relax in. Back in January, I posted a 31 Day Household Detox Plan to quickly start the decluttering process in just 15 minutes per day. While this plan is great for those that need a jump start or just a quick home decluttering {and can be done at any time!}, some people may require a little more time commitment. The 6 Week Decluttering Challenge allows more flexibility with the projects that you will be working on and how you want to use your time throughout the week – whether it be a little each day or a big chunk of time on the weekend or evening. Basically, you will be the one customizing your plan, so you can really target those problem areas in your home.
So the first thing that you will need to get started on the challenge is a plan. Each Monday, I will have a printable worksheet for you along with some decluttering tips. All you need to do is print it off, determine what “mini-projects” you will be working on in your space, write down when you are going to do it during the week, and then DO IT! Here are the rooms that we will be doing…
WEEK ONE: Kitchen/Dining Room
WEEK TWO: Bathrooms
WEEK THREE: Master Bedroom
WEEK FOUR: Kids’ Rooms
WEEK FIVE: Living Room/Family Room
WEEK SIX: Garage/Basement/Other Storage Areas
The 6 Week Decluttering Challenge Guidelines
- This plan focuses on the actual decluttering process itself – getting rid of all of those unloved and unused items that are just taking up space in your home. The goal is to let go of as much stuff as possible in as short a time as possible. While you will be spending a little time organizing items as you put them away, this is not going to be the time to take on any major DIY organization projects. If you have any great ideas for future projects as you are working through the plan, write it down on the weekly printables provided and come back to it once you have lived in your newly decluttered space for a bit!
- Each week we will be working on a different area in the home. You will pick at least one problematic clutter area from the room as your project for the week. This can include closets, cupboards, a cluttered corner, etc. – whatever areas are causing you stress! Feel free to do as many “mini-projects” throughout the week; however, you MUST complete one project before beginning another.
- Choose your time commitment. This will be a little different for everyone, but try to aim for at least 3-4 hours per week. You can do it in one solid chunk if you have a big project that you are working on, or break it down into smaller time periods a few times per week. Write it in your plan {you can download it HERE} and stick to it!
- For each project that you work on, you will be sorting your items into garbage, keep, donate/sell, or belongs elsewhere. Make sure you have lots of bins, large cardboard boxes, and/or garbage bags for this. Try to take your donation items in to Goodwill {or wherever you will be donating them} as you collect them so you or other family members aren’t tempted to keep them. For items that you are hoping to sell, you can either plan to do a garage sale at the end of the seven weeks {if so, plan the date now!} or try to sell off the items as you go using Craigslist, Facebook, etc. Read this post for more tips on determining what to sell and what to donate.
- When you are working on your space, you must empty EVERYTHING out! This will allow you to truly see everything that is in there and makes it much easier to organize those items that are going back in. Take the time to honestly evaluate every item – if you do not love it, use it, and need it, it should probably be in the garbage or donate pile. If you are having difficulties getting rid of things, you may want to read this post for some helpful tips on overcoming decluttering paralysis.
This week we will be working on the kitchen and dining room. Projects could include decluttering the kitchen cabinets or the pantry, working on clearing off your countertops, getting rid of old recipe books that you no longer use, or sorting through kitchen gadgets and other small appliances. Start with wahtever areas are the most problematic for you and break tasks down into manageable projects that will fit the time that you have available. You may have one large project that you want to tackle or a few smaller areas that need attention – it is all up to you!
So who’s ready to get started? Let’s see how much stuff you can let go of over the next 6 weeks! It will be well worth it in the end!
For more organization ideas, check out these posts…
I’d say your timing was perfect but my house is constantly in need of decluttering!
I would agree I found this by seeing a 2012 post on pinterest today. My husband said no vacation this year he is taking a week to “clean” house the way MONK from the TV show would. Im Startng today hope that he sees an improvement.
Out delema on house keeping is that we have no storage to speek of in this house besides bedroom closet an under stair closet we have a very small closet for towels in our laundry oom.
lol! I wish my husband would do that! Once you have decluttered and know what you want to keep there are so many creative ways to create extra storage. I know it can be hard to find the space sometimes but it can also force you to come up with some really great ideas!
Love this post. Summer gets so busy and unorganized. Working on this project lots this week. 🙂
A little structure is always good, right? 😉
I’m in! Any plan to have a linky party to show off our accomplishments?
Glad you are joining in! It has been a while since I have had a linky party so that might be an idea! I’d love to see what you guys have been working on!
I need to desperately decluter my home but since there is so much to do i become so overwhelmed it becomes paralyzing. I don’t know how or where to begin. It does not help that my husband does not want to let go of anything. Within a year we will have to downsize and if I don’t get started soon it will be impossible to complete the process. Any suggestions?
I definitely understand that. For me, I really had to be conscious about just working on one area at a time and just trying to focus on getting that decluttered rather than thinking of my entire house. For some, this may mean just starting with one closet or a couple of drawers at a time – whatever it is you need to devote your time to it until it is completed without distractions. I also think that emptying everything out of a space is important. First of all, it is sometimes mind blowing when you actually see how much stuff is in the space once you take it out. And secondly, it allows you to touch and really evaluate everything that you have to determine what is important to keep and what you need to let go of. You just need to make that decision to jump in and get started. Good luck! You can do it!
Hi! Just found your blog from Pinterest!! Love it but I am finding the really light grey, thin font of your posts too hard to read 🙁 I’ll keep trying just didn’t know if someone had mentioned it to you.. I am on a Mac, max brightness, 20/20 vision and its tough. Love your images and will keep browsing them!
Thanks so much for the comment – no one has mentioned that before. Are you talking about the font on the actual post or the sidebar? My post font is a standard font and it is in the darkest grey {just short of black} so I’m not sure why that would be hard to read. The sidebar font is a little thinner though so I was wondering if that was it.
I agree. I am always complaining about the font color and I know it’s a standard color but if you have any issues with your vision the grey is very hard to read. I put on my reading glasses and it helps a lot but if you haven’t admitted to yourself that you need glasses or made a habit of using them then you get very discouraged with reading.
I have a website and requested my daughter to make the font black because of this very reason.
Just my opinion. Lol. Oh yeah, love the article and gonna work on this whole decluttering -thing!!
Thanks for your input. I’ll see about changing that! Have a great day.
Jenn 🙂
Hey! Just decluttered the kids sippy cup/dish cupboard. Entire bag going!! Now we have whole shelf empty! Feels fantastic!!!
I’m totally in. I’ve slowly been decluttering around here as we get ready for a big move. This is just the thing I need to help me focus on certain areas each week. I guess this week I’ll be working on 2 areas. Better late than never!
Yep – join in any time! I am always so over the place so it is nice to have a plan to keep focused on one area! 😉
Week 2?
Hi Jenn! What beautiful printables! I am on a huge decluttering mission right now! My husband is finally on board as well and we’re doing a longer project together in the basement. Meanwhile, I declutter my areas – usually one area a week. Blogging about it has really helped keep me accountable to doing it! #2usestuesday
I just moved in June, and de-cluttered a literal ton of stuff beforehand. Well, it felt like that anyway!
My pantry is a nightmare, why did they not build shelves in there! No drawers, argh. I could go on.
I thought I was done de-cluttering, but then again….
Here from 2 Uses Tuesday.
Love this post! I am really motivated to de-clutter right now. My oldest son has graduated from college and moving out on his own so I really feel like this is a good time for me to start a de-clutter project. Great printables!
Perfect timing! Good luck with your decluttering!
I need to do this! Pinned and tweeted. Thank you so much for bringing such a masterpiece to our party. I hope to see you tonight at 7 pm. We can’t wait to party with you! Lou Lou Girls
This is a great plan! We recently moved and it was a substantial downsize. Now our house is super cluttery mostly due to less space, but something’s got to give. I’ve been overwhelmed by it, but this seems doable. Thanks!
Yes, it can be hard to downsize but, on the bright side, it can also be a lot less space to clean! When there is only so much space though, you definitely do need to do some decluttering first – it will make it such a prettier and more relaxing space for you in the end!
Pinned & shared. Love this we’ve been working on better organization and decluttering. It’s been hard as we’ve been remodeling too. I happen to be working on Sammie’s room with her for bts. Thanks for sharing at the party. Your post is being featured tomorrow.
Thanks so much! Remodeling is the perfect time to work on the decluttering – I am sure you will have an amazing space when you are done!
Kitchen dining room done. I cleaned out everything from the cupboards. I got a tote for get rid of and then I got started putting everything back that I knew we would keep and when my husband got home he had a few things to go trough with me and then everything to go went into the tote and into the garage. Next he swept mopped and scrubbed the floor and counters.
He cleaned the fridge out and attacked the stove for a good cleaning (he does that every few days anyways).
Kitchen and dining room took me one day while and he finished the rest that weekend.
Awesome job and bonus points for getting your husband involved! lol!
One year ago did a massive move from a home with four bedrooms that I had lived in for forty yrs.
To a two bedroom apartment. Major downsizing!
That is definitely a MAJOR downsizing! Good for you! I bet your cleaning time has been drastically decreased!
I know this post is but I had to comment. After my husband does in 2010 my 4 kids and I moved a huge log home to a tiny house with no storage space. After losing their dad they became hoarders refusing to part with anything. Now that they are all grown I am taking on purging this house. I found the Barney blanket my oldest had on her bed when she was 4. She is 24. Now when I say no storage I mean I have 4 cabinets and 3 drawers In the kitchen, a laundry closet in the bathroom (which use to be a second ground floor bedroom before indoor plumbing became popular. The house is that old. There is a sleeping loft that the girls shared and with some creativity the boys room was the dining room) and a walk in closet in my bedroom. That’s it. It has taken over a and I am still working on the ground floor but it is almost done. The pile of donation stuff is threatening to take over the living room. I have a life time of crap in here and I can’t wait to be rid of all the mind boggling, spirit sucking, anxiety causing clutter.
Thanks for sharing your story. That emotional baggage can be the hardest to get rid of! It sounds like you’re well on your way though and staying motivated through the process. Congratulations on your progress and keep that end goal in sight! It really is amazing how much anxiety and stress excess clutter can cause. xo