Learn how to get organized with these easy tips and tricks. Simple daily habits can really make a big difference in your home organization and save you time and energy!
How to Get Organized
Do you ever feel like you’re constantly running around and never getting enough accomplished? It’s not a very good feeling when you’re overwhelmingly busy and still not feeling like you are keeping up with things. Unfortunately, we can’t create more time. BUT, we can make our time more efficient and more productive.
Making little changes in how your day is structured and how you organize things can make a BIG difference in how your household functions. Small changes over time really can add up! So if you’re feeling overwhelmed with life right now, take a few deep breaths and realize that you don’t have to do everything. Prioritize what really needs to be done and take a look at your daily habits to see where you lose time and what things you can really cut out. You can do it!!
30 Tips to Help You Get Organized
I really believe that small habit changes can make a big impact on your time management and household organization. Start small with gradual changes and work on creating routines that work for you. Stick with one or two changes until they start to become part of your natural routine and then slowly add new habits. The more you practice it, the less you’ll have to think about it. And eventually, it will just become part of your new organized way of life!
Make the bed as soon as you get up.
A neatly made bed quickly makes the whole room seem more orderly and starts the day off in a nice, organized way. For some reason, when my bed is made I am more likely to want to tidy up the rest of my room. When you first get up, you may want to fold down the bed sheets for a short period of time while you’re getting ready or showering to air them out, but don’t leave them too long!
Whenever you leave a room, take something with you.
I try to never leave a room empty handed especially if I am traveling from floor to floor. Take only what you can put away. I find it is better to just take a couple of things with me and PUT THEM AWAY rather than taking a whole armload and dumping it down in another place. Just moving your clutter from space to space isn’t very helpful! If you are lucky enough that there is nothing to take with you, put one or two items away before you leave the room.
Involve the whole family in keeping the house tidy.
Get your children {and dare I say husbands?} involved in tidying up after themselves. Even little tasks like putting their shoes and coat away, dirty clothes in the hamper, or clearing their dishes can make a big difference over the course of a day.
Commit to getting rid of 10 items per day.
This can be items to either throw away or donate. If this seems like it will be difficult, trust me. It’s much easier than it seems and once you get started, items will fly out your door. Start with those “junk drawers” {I know you all have them!} and you’ll be amazed how fast you can find 10 things to part with. Obviously, this isn’t something that you do forever, but it’s a good way to get rid of that superficial clutter that’s clogging up your home. If you have a lot of clutter to get rid of, try my 31 Day Home Detox or 6 Week Decluttering Challenge.
Have a donation box.
Or two or three. I have started keeping one in the garage and also have one upstairs for clothing. When it is full, take it away. I know in our area, there are tons of donation bins at the shopping mall parking lots which makes it even more convenient to drop off our items at any time of day.
Just Do It!!
If it can be done in less than one minute, just do it! Seriously, it is amazing how much this helps out. File that piece of paper or just put the dish directly in the dishwasher.
Set up a realistic cleaning schedule that you can follow.
I have looked at many of the cleaning schedules out there on the Internet and many of them are just impossible for me to keep up with. As a working Mom with a large house, some things just don’t get cleaned as often as I would like. And that is okay with me. I have a rotating cleaning list that I just check off as I go. When I get to the end, I start over again. I find it much easier than “Monday I do a, b,c and Tuesday I do x, y, z.” This way, if I miss my Monday tasks, I don’t feel like I am thrown off for the whole week. Having a regular daily cleaning routine to just cover the basic household cleaning and tidying is also helpful. Just click on the link to find my quick and easy daily cleaning tips as well as a free daily cleaning routine printable. Or see how I put together a cleaning binder HERE.
Have a morning routine.
As much as I hate mornings, I do find that I can get a lot accomplished if I have a set routine and pretty much just function on autopilot. I always make my bed first thing when I get up, then go get the kids up and throw in a pile of laundry. {I usually already have it in the washing machine and just have to add soap and turn it on}. It’s kind of nice to feel like you have accomplished something before breakfast. The morning just seems to set the tone for the whole day. You can find tips and ideas for setting up a successful morning routine HERE.
Organize in small doses.
There is no better way to kill your motivation than by overwhelming yourself. I know that you want your whole kitchen or your whole playroom to be organized today but start with one drawer or one cupboard and commit to keeping it clean. If you have organized it well, it should be quite easy to maintain.
Recognize your home’s “Hot Spots”.
We all have those places in our homes where the clutter tends to accumulate. Often times, it is the front entrance or kitchen counter. These are often good areas to start your organization magic and will probably be areas that you should check regularly for quick “tune-ups”. Figure out what items end up there and create a new home for them. If it is not needed, get rid of it!
Take time for yourself.
Yes, this is sometimes another hard one for us Moms. Find something that you love to do that is just totally for you and make the time to do it. It could be as simple as carving out 20 minutes to have a relaxing bath or read a book that has been collecting dust on your shelf. I am trying to give myself at least 30 minutes per day to do something that I enjoy {oh, and this does not mean watching a television show while folding laundry, dusting and doing dishes during the commercials!} This makes a happier, more well rested, productive, energy-filled you!!! If you need some ideas to get you started, check out these 30 self-care ideas and grab your free printable.
Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
Well, speaking of being more well-rested, productive and energy filled – getting enough sleep is definitely a must! I must admit, this one is a tough one for me. I really cherish my time once the kids are in bed and there are so many things that I want to do. BUT, I do realize that I will actually get things done quicker {and therefore have more time for myself} if I am not walking around in a sleep deprived daze all day. Oh, and it also helps increase our tolerance with the little kiddos who are testing our patience all day! You can find my tips on how to get a better night’s sleep HERE.
Get dressed first thing in the morning.
You will not meet anyone who loves their pajamas more than me. I could seriously stay in my P.J.s all day long. The longer the day goes on, the less motivation I have to get dressed. And then I procrastinate going out to do my errands because I don’t feel like getting dressed. Pajamas kind of put you in relax mode rather than work mode – not what we are trying to accomplish here!
Limit multitasking.
I know as Moms, we often pride ourselves on our ability to multitask. For me, this isn’t necessarily a good thing. I was doing a little bit of lots of things rather than completing a few select tasks. Despite being busy and working all day, it felt like I hadn’t really accomplished anything. It would usually go something like this: I would start vacuuming, get to the bathroom, and realize that the toilet needed to be cleaned. After cleaning the toilet, I would go to put the cleaning cloth in the laundry and realize that the washing machine was actually full of clean clothes that needed to go in the dryer. Well, of course the dryer was full so I had to fold the clothes first and take them up to the bedrooms. In the bedroom, I would discover a mess that needed to be vacuumed… I think you get the picture. Maybe I should write a book called “If You Give a Mouse a Vacuum”.
Label as much as you can.
The more things that are labeled the better!! Not only does it help you stay organized, it helps everyone else in the household know where things go. It may take a little training, but even little munchkins pick up on this pretty quickly {actually the little guys usually know where things go more than hubby!} There are so many cute and creative ways to add labels these days. You can find my favorite organization labels here.
Prioritize your projects.
If you are anything like me, you have a list of projects and ideas that is a mile long {thanks a lot Pinterest!} Often times, this can get very overwhelming and lead to a total shut down of production. As much as we would like to, we just can’t do it all. I am MUCH more efficient and productive when I only have one or two projects on the go. The more projects I have, the more I procrastinate and stress. So limit your project list and commit to completing at least one project on your list before starting another one. You can see how I keep track of this and organize my life in this little notebook HERE.
Make a Daily or Weekly To Do List.
Use a planner or other to do list, to highlight your priorities each day. Don’t make it too long and try to get the items done as early in the day as possible. What works best for me, is to do a weekly To Do list of all the things I want to get done for the week. Then, each night before I go to bed, I put three “must do” items on my list for the next day. I try to focus on these items before moving onto any other tasks.
Remember that perfection is the enemy to completion.
This, for me, is a BIG one! We all want to do things well but we cannot be perfect. Remember that doing something is always better than not doing anything because you do not have the time to make it perfect. {I think men are much better than women on this one!}
Follow the 80/20 Rule.
This is based on the premise that it takes just as long to complete the last 20% of a task than it does to complete the first 80%. All of those little nit picky details that only you would really notice take a lot of time but don’t really make a big difference to anyone else. Yes, sometimes you need to spend a little extra time but, for the most part, I am trying to be happy with having everything 80% clean!!
Organize your paper.
Oh, the paper!!! It’s AMAZING how much of this stuff accumulates around the home – bills, kids reports, coupons, art work, receipts, tax information. Really the list is endless and you can quickly become overrun with paper. There are many, many systems out there for organizing your paper – from file folders, to binders, to trays. The big box stores and home office supply stores have lots of stylish and functional items to choose from. We use this system to keep our paper clutter under control and our kitchen command center as our primary storage for short term papers.
If you don’t love it or use it, it has got to go!
You can only organize so much. If you have not used {or worn} something for one year, the chances are you will not be using it. Yes, there are exceptions, but in general this is a good rule to follow. Toss it or donate it – think of it as one less thing to worry about! Find my tips for overcoming your decluttering paralysis HERE.
Do not buy something unless you know where it will go.
Before you buy anything, think where you will put it and what function it will have. Even if you love an item {and it’s marked down to 80% off!}, if there’s no where for it to go or you won’t end up using it, it won’t be helpful to you. Instead, it will end up in a junk pile somewhere in your house or buried deep in a cupboard. This is also a great question to ask your kids before they buy that “must have” item.
One item in, one item out.
This one doesn’t always apply but it is always a good to thing to think about. When you are buying something new, think of something that you already have that can be given away or discarded. If you are replacing an item, do you now really need two of them? If you bought a new pair of jeans, do you have an older pair that you don’t really wear anymore? This also works great to help keep the kids’ toys in check.
Do power cleans.
I’m not sure why, but I seem to move a lot faster and stay on task more when I set the timer. I guess it’s that competitive nature in me!! If I have a day off that I’m actually at home, I will often do 1 hour of house work followed by 1 hour of “free” time. {Note that “free” is in quotations as this includes time with the kids, meal prep, taking the dogs out for a walk, etc.!} The kids know that once the work buzzer goes, I’ll have time to play with them instead of having them constantly ask when it is time for the bike ride or when I will play Star Wars. Of course, it doesn’t have to be an hour. If you’re short on time, set the timer for 15 minutes and just get as much as you can done within that time. It is amazing what you can get accomplished!
Avoid opening Pandora’s box.
I’m not sure if this is only applicable to me, but there are times when I just want to do a simple task and I end up turning it into some major project that I do not have time for. You know, like when you go to get something from the junk drawer and then suddenly the whole contents of the drawer are sprawled all over your kitchen floor? Just stick to your task and make a note to do the bigger chore later when you have more time to complete it.
Be Realistic.
When you are setting goals for yourself, start with small, specific tasks. As you see yourself crossing off items on your goal list, you will start to feel like you are actually accomplishing something. Feel proud of what you have done and use that to motivate you to continue on. Focus on what you have done and not on what you still have to do. Thinking about too many tasks often just sends us into shut down mode.
Keep your cleaning supplies handy.
The easier something is to do, the more likely you will do it!! I have a couple of Command hooks on the inside of all my bathroom cupboards to keep my cleaning cloths handy as well as cleaning products in each bathroom. If something is in need of a clean, everything is right there. That extra step of going to get it is often the difference between doing the task and procrastinating until later. Find cute ways to keep those cleaning supplies handy, and it will make your job that much easier! For more information on organizing your cleaning supplies click here and here.
Store your items where you use them.
Sometimes you need to think outside the box for your storage ideas. Do your kids put on their P.J.s as soon as they come out of the bath? Why not store their P.J.s right in the bathroom. Do you have a craft room in the basement but often scrapbook on the kitchen table upstairs? Create a small craft caddy with some basic supplies to store upstairs. I keep one change of bed linens in each of the bedrooms instead of having a central linen closet. Go with whatever works for you!
Be mindful of your technology time.
Between the Internet, social media, Pinterest, blogs, texting, television, etc., your time can quickly evaporate! Often I get sucked into the computer and don’t even realize how much time as passed. I’m now trying to limit how often I go on social media and will set a timer if I know I should only be on for a limited time. I find that by doing this, I actually enjoy my computer time more. Instead of just mindlessly clicking away, I’m just looking at things that really interest me. Although I’m pretty sure that I won’t get around to doing all of the 10,000 items that I have pinned on Pinterest, I’ll hopefully be able to get a few more of them accomplished!
Realize that complete chaos is sometimes inevitable.
As much as we try, life just sometimes gets the better of us. I would love to say that I always follow these guidelines, but sometimes I’m too busy, or too tired, or just in plain need of a break. We must give ourselves permission to just let it go {this is a hard one for me!} and then get back on the saddle again the next day!
Habits take time.
Like any other habits, organization skills will take time and effort to learn. Some of the tips might also take a little tweaking to find exactly what works for you. Just stick with it! While some of the habits may seem difficult or awkward at first, they will get easier. Over time, you’ll find that you’ll hardly even have to think about it!
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, just work through the tips one at a time. Slow, steady progress often gives you the best long term results anyways – and that’s really what it’s all about. Some days will be easier than others, so give yourself some grace and just do your best. Remember that little changes CAN make a big difference. It may take some effort to adapt your ways, but it will be well worth it in the end.
The Household Organization Diet
If you’re still having trouble getting your home decluttered and organized, consider joining in my Household Organization Diet. It’s a year-long organization plan working through one room per month. You can click HERE to find all of the posts and free printables. Or grab my book, The Home Decluttering Diet, so you can refer to it whenever you need the inspiration!
If you have any great advice to share, let me know. I always love to hear what works for you!
Lots of great ideas … now I’d better go make my bed!
This is a subject near and dear to my heart. These are fabulous tips! I especially like that you added the last one about chaos. Sometimes life does get in the way; we just have to learn to go with the flow. I’d love to share these with my readers as one of my picks of the week tomorrow!
I’ve been in the same boat as you. I’ve been reorganizing everything for the last month, yet still seems there is so much to do! One thing I’ve noticed for me is that I really need to compartmentalize. I reorganized my top dresser drawer where I keep my make-up, hair stuff, and hiegene stuff (like q-tips and make-up pads) and just by putting different sized boxes everything has a spot in the drawer and is contained, and everything stays there as opposed to being moved around constantly! Haven’t even had to clean it up in 2 months, it’s been wonderful.
I love your idea for the cleaning schedule of crossing things off a list as you go and once the list is over start again. I think I’ll implement that. I’ve been trying to find a good schedule for cleaning tasks, some things are daily, some bi-weekly, weekly, bi-monthly, monthly; just so many lists! I really liked your ideas, looking forward to this series from you.
Jenn…it is 0941, AJ is nappin and I am in my PJ’s. Bed is NOT made. Here I sit reading my blog roll…
Great ideas… Feeling good that I already do quite a few of these!!!
Such great tips. I ‘know’ about all of them, but am not so good at the ‘doing’. Being a busy mom is hard and even harder when you feel like you are spinning in circles. I can’t wait to see what else you have to share, I sure can use the help! (I think it is even worse for me because I am a Type A, OCD kind of person – perfectionism runs rampant!)
I agree with this. I am so busy with work, kids and life in general that it is hard to get done what I like. When I do get it done I feel like i am so much more efficient and things just run better in our house. (I’m less stressed too!) type A here!
I love this! Thank you so much for sharing what you’ve learned! I really want to try a lot of them!
I’m in – so great!!
Great advice, love the “pandoras box” one. This one I can relate to big time. I always start on mission and go crazy with the toughest project first then I am over or too tired to continue.
Some really great advice and reminders! Really looking forward to the series Jenn!
GREAT tips! I’m going to try the 10 items a day trick and we’ll see how it goes. Thanks! 🙂
Lots of great ideas which I am so desperately needing! Your latest follower….Blessings!
Great tips, I need to put some of these on a pin board to remind me!
These ideas are so helpful! Thank you so much for sharing this list, looking forward to more posts on getting organized this month 🙂
I have to say… I read a TON of blogs daily and this is the first one that I have EVER really wanted to respond to. I am a full-time working mother, with a 5 year old spirited red-head, husband and a BIG house!!!! I love your post and relate to everything you said here. I get so overwhelmed that I let things go and now my messiness is taking over my house…. Please keep up with the tips and You definately have a new follower.
Definitely a bookmarker post!
Omg this was a must read post! Having a toddler and being pregnant while living in a house in the middle of major renovations causes so much chaos! While some of these tips I won’t be able to yet implement I definitely needed the push on getting out of my pjs, setting a routine in the morning, and making my bed! Hopefully that will all help me feel more accomplished and set a better tone for the day! Those are my new goals!
oh no! I thought you were going to give us tips every day! I started off inspired this month, but now i’m losing it!
yikes… i obviously need someone to come hold my hand!!!?
Saw this on Not Just A Housewife’s Show Me What Ya Got. Lots of great ideas. So many seem to apply to me! Did my husband email you to blog about all of my weaknesses? LOL
Wow! Love this, please share it! Link it up with me on my Wow Us Wednesday, ok? Over at http://www.familyhomeandlife.com
This was such a helpful post. Thanks for this!
What a wonderful post and it couldn’t have come at a better time. Would love to have you link up at our party.
this is really good. do come link it up with us at our linky party at http://www.finecraftguild.com We would love to share this with readers! now, i am going to follow this blog to see how you are holding up with all that cleaning, okay, ha ha… anyhow, I LOVE THIS, SO hope we’ll stay connected.
This is a great post! I SO need many of these tips implemented in my day. (I found you through Whipperberry)
Wonderful tips, I need this….I always seem to be behind. Thanks for linking up, I will be featuring it on tuesday.
This is just what I needed a good reminder to help me get back on track! Thank you and I will join you for the month of june and definitely months after to get organised!!
Thanks for the helpful tips and for helping me realize I’m not the only one who has “Cleaning ADD!” 🙂
The little picture of the diary with the tape that you write on. What kind of tape is that? Really love that idea!
I can relate to every single word you wrote!! My family has never really understood me in this regard, so now I can share that I am not alone!! Thanks so much!!
Love all of the ideas! I need to get organized! 😀
Lots of great tips!!! now to tackle them all one at a time!
Love all these idea! I always get dressed first thing, it helps get me motivated!
Girl, can I hire you to do it all for me 🙂
Great ideas and thank you for sharing!
Seriously awesome tips and ideas here Jenn! I am taking notes right now 🙂
I can’t wait to read this entirely and I’m sharing with my sister and mom!
Jenn, I’m here giving you a virtual high five for this post. I’m all about clutter control and keeping “stuff” at bay in my house. I think you tackled all my tips and tricks in addition to adding to the list. Love this post and sharing it galore!
I know I’m probably not your usual reader-base, but I must say thank you. As a 21 year-old College kid who’s trying desprately to get his life together, your tips are infinitely helpful. It’s like hearing all those things my mom tried to instill into me as a kid are finally sinking in, and I just needed to hear it from another source. Thank you so much, and here’s hoping that 2014 is the year I can finally get organized.
Thanks so much for your comment – it gives me hope that one day my boys will finally get organized too! 🙂
It’s great to see that I’m not the only one who gets way-laid by other tasks. There is hope for me yet. Will take all of it on board apart from the bed making as I’ve heard it’s best to let your bed air for a bit each day, so that the sweat can evaporate (nice). What I will do is fold the bedclothes back tidily and put the mini throw on them so it looks tidy. Thanks for your honesty, yours is the best blog I’ve read on the subject.
You are an amazing lady!! Your blog is beautiful as is your home. Love your Easter projects too. Just amazing all around!
Thanks so much Gena! 🙂
What great ideas for my family! I am a retired 67 yr old with my daughter and her two children residing with me. It seems the tasks requiring everyones’ help slips away, so some of these tips are worth trying for all of us. Anxious to implement several which the grandkids can also participate in. The clutter just overwhelms me at times and others don’t see the frustration it causes me. LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS SERIES.
Distressed Nana
I can totally relate to being overwhelmed with clutter! Often, small changes can make a BIG difference! Hope these tips help and you can get your whole family on board! 🙂
thanks for this…many of these tips have been suggested by my daughter. she’s got it figured out…now its my turn
Lol! 😉
Those are by far the best tips and almost all of them work, only my son is grown up already!
I immediately started to create my own plans and lists! Love the one with the 10 things…great!! And you’re right – it works!!
Thank you very much for all those tips!
Thanks Dagmar! Glad they helped! 😉
I love this article and the one room idea. I about fell over when I saw this today. I began a series ” One room, one month, one project at a time.”. With idea that each month I would tackle deep cleaning, purging, organizing and facelifting one room in our home. (It will take two years and then start over.) And share the journey 2x a week with my readers and here you are doing it.
I also mentioned a week or do ago. I should write a book about my never ending ideas, organizing and clutter. Along the lines of “if you give a mouse a cookie…”. If you give Tina an idea or project….”
You vacuum line nailed.
Thank you for sharing as I new blogger I have been struggling and this was great.
Great minds think alike, eh? 😉
Thank you so much for this! I am guilty of falling into so many of the traps you wrote about, and I’m looking forward to putting some of these tips into practice to help me turn my bad habits into more efficient ones.
Yes, it’s so easy to fall into those traps! Good luck with your organization journey! 🙂
Sounds a lot like Fly Lady, but has a nice updated vibe and twist to it. Liked reading this,
great info re smelly washing machine and organising my week.
Husband has re plumbed washing machine twice trying to get
Rid of smell.
Will start the ten thing a day part now.
Please keep me in the loop for updates.
Mags from Hornchurch England.x
Did I write this entry??! This is so in tune with my life, that it’s a bit surreal. Thank you for the guidance in all of these areas of my life. It may sound silly, but this post was so much needed for me right now (and has been for some time!!). And it’s so nice to know that I’m not the only one with ALL of these challenges!! Do you have 3 kids and are a stay-at-home mom? Just wondering.. perhaps one of us has been cloned… ??? Take care. Please keep writing. -Molly in Oregon
lol! It is kind of funny how similar our lives can sound! I have 2 kids and work part-time though. 😉
lol! Maybe the more places they hear it from, the more they will listen. 😉
Hi Jen!
Being organized is a constant struggle! But good habits pay off! Great post!
Would you consider sharing at our weekly link party, Dishing It & Digging It? We’d love to have you! It’s live Sundays @4pm.
I always need tips for getting better organized. Now I just need to put them to good use!
Such a welcome, down to earth helpful post. Thanks so much-have shared with my daughter, whom I thought was actually writing this!
lol! Hope your daughter liked it! 😉
All really good ideas, except the one about getting rid of ten things a day makes my skin crawl just a little, lol. Can you tell I have issues? Does junk mail count?? 🙂 Thanks for sharing your tips at the Family Joy Linkup!
Can I tell you what a great post this is? You have covered a huge subject matter in an organized way (fancy that!) with “actionable” tips that will work for us all! Great job! Stopping by from Bewitchin’ Block Party and pinning to Pinterest!
Thanks for sharing and glad you enjoyed the post! Have a wonderful week!
Always on the hunt for organizing tips thank you. My house is in the process of a massive decluttering. I tend to do things seasonly. Making bed and get dressed right away is key to my productivity around the house. I’m visiting today from the #shinebloghop.
Good for you for decluttering! I always get the organizing itch around back to school – it just feels like a fresh start!
So many great tips here, Jenn! I especially like the one about never leaving any room empty handed. I’ve learned that for several years now, and it really makes a difference. The clutter is less, and everything seems to be in its place. Thanks so much for sharing these helpful tips with us on #shinebloghop this week!
I cannot thank you enough Jenn for posting this on Week 82 of the Mother 2 Mother Sunday’s Best Linkup! I struggle with keeping up with everything that needs to be done – the cleaning, the blogging, the reading, the schlepping kids around, the meetings, etc. – and you’ve got some amazing tips included here that I can’t wait to put to good use! Thanks!!
I think we all struggle! lol! Hope the tips help. 🙂
Thanks for sharing at the Inspiration Spotlight party. Pinned & Shared.
I definitely need to be more organized and these are some great tips! I’ve chosen this post to feature at tonight’s Share The Wealth Sunday Blog Hop! I hope you’ll come back and share more awesome things tonight!
I really need to get my home more organized. Thanks for sharing these tips at Craft Frenzy Friday on Mom Home Guide!
Taking an organizing break now and then is a great idea. Thanks for sharing the tips at the #ThisIsHowWeRoll Link Party.
These ae such great tips! I have the hardest time staying organized. I like to do the decluttering but I have yet to find a system that will stick. I think it is the season of my life. I started the Konmarie purge but put it aside for the summer and it has gotten back out of hand. I have too much stuff. I am ready to just move to an empty house and start from scratch. I am now prioritizing sleep above anything else with family time next. Blog third and limiting my social media time sucks has helped. Thanks for sharing these awesome tips with Saucy Saturdays!
It’s always so hard to find that elusive time balance!! I always find if an organization system doesn’t stick it’s usually either too complicated or filled with too muchstuff. 😉
This is the one of the most, if not THE MOST common sense advice I have read when it comes to staying organized! Thank you for being so realistic while at the same time being so helpful with your advice.
Glad you found it helpful!
Making the bed as soon as I get helps me so much!!
Helpful and wonderful tips to keep your home organized. I need to work on getting rid of things everyday. Thanks for sharing at Merry Monday!
These are all such great tips! There is nothing like starting the day with a nicely made bed…I haven’t NOT made the bed in years. Pinning for the organization love!
Making the bed seems to be one of those tasks that you absolutely love or you just don’t do. I’m totally in the make your bed category!
What a great list of ways to get organized that are also attainable. These are totally realistic for anyone, especially busy moms! Love this.
Glad you liked it!
Beautiful post thank you for sharing. Self care is my favorite part!